Friday, July 18, 2008

Teaching Methods

Teaching Methods: An interesting list of suggestions by Abraham Maslow on teaching children:

* Be authentic.
* Transcend their cultural conditioning and become world citizens.
* Find their vocation and right mate.
* Know that life is precious.
* Be good and joyous in all kinds of situations.
* Learn from their inner nature.
* See that basic needs are satisfied.
* Refresh their consciousness; appreciate beauty and other good things in life.
* Understand that controls are good, and complete abandon is bad.
* Transcend trifling problems
* Grapple with serious problems such as injustice, pain suffering and death
* Be good choosers
* Be given practice in making choices, later allowing choices in their religious beliefs.

Want to add to this list?

1 comment:

Ankur said...

Would like to add to this list:

Acknowledge them authentically and audaciously.

Let each child know that she is very very special.

Make them fully participate in the classroom without any cajoling.

Water the seedling of friendly competition among them. Let there be a win-win situation.

Allow yourself to get inspired by their innocent inquisitiveness and pure dreams.